To those of us who believe in the Founding Principles of this country, the November election was hard to take. Te lose the Presidency, the Senate and the House makes me very sad for our country. My only solace is that I don’t believe the country voted for the radical left agenda but against the image of Donald Trump that was created by the media, big tech, Hollywood, and the universities. President Biden hardly campaigned and did not run on the Democratic Platform but on Former President Trump’s personality. We have to accept the reality of this situation but we do not have to live in despair. If you look at history we have faced and overcome obstacles like the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, and The Cold War. We didn’t give up hope, we fought back against tyranny and fear. So what should we do?

I propose the following actions:

1. Write your Congressional Representatives to introduce and support the following legislation. (In addition, forward this article to people you know in other states.)

Congress should immediately appoint a Bipartisan Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an audit of the 2020 election returns in the six disputed states. Once completed, every states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to evaluate changes in their election laws.

2. Write your Congressional Representatives to introduce and support the following legislation. (In addition, forward this article to people you know in other states.)

The Voter Integrity Act of 2021 would have the following principles:

1. This act would only apply to federal elections. State and local election processes and procedures are governed by the laws within those jurisdictions.

2. Federal election day will be on the first Tuesday in November after the first Monday, in even numbered years. Early voting is not allowed.

3. Votes will be cast at official polling places in local communities on election day except absentee ballots. Ballot harvesting will not be allowed.

4. Absentee ballots must be requested by voters in advance and identification must be verified. Ballots will be mailed to state election centers and must be received by election day.

5. Voters must show state issued picture identification before voting.

6. Only paper ballots are acceptable. No electronic voting.

7. Votes will be counted at the polling place under the supervision of opposing political parties. Vote totals will be transmitted vocally to state election centers.

8. No election totals will be stored on electronic media.

9. State election centers are manned by paid individuals but their activities are audited by opposing political parties.

10. All paper ballots will be retained in a secure facility for 3 months.

3. Party affiliation- I believe we need to send a message to both of the major political parties that we need them to stand up for an audit and new laws that support free and fair elections. Therefore, I suggest that you change your party registration from Republican/Democrat to Independent. Send an email and/or tweet to your Senator and House of Representative member that you have initiated this change but you are willing to rejoin the party if they are willing to stand up and fight for free and fair elections.

I would like to believe that writing to your Representatives would be enough to initiate election integrity changes but I do not think this will be enough. It may be necessary for us to take to the streets in a legal and nonviolent protest against the destruction of our democratic process. If that is the only alternative left to us, we must follow the six principles of nonviolence outlined by Martin Luther King in his book “Stride Toward Freedom”,excerpts from which are as follows:


First, it must be emphasized that nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards; it does resist.  No individual or group need submit to any wrong, nor need they use violence to right the wrong.  There is always the way of nonviolent resistance.  This ultimately is the way of the strong person. It is not passive non-resistance to evil, it is active nonviolent resistance to evil”. Ghandi

A second basic fact that characterizes nonviolence is that it does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his friendship and understanding. The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community, while the aftermath of violence is tragic bitterness.

A third characteristic of this method is that the attack is directed against the forces of evil rather than against persons who happen to be doing the evil.  It is evil that the nonviolent resister seeks to defeat, not the persons victimized by evil. The tension is, at bottom, between justice and injustice, between the forces of light and the forces of darkness.  And, if there is a victory, it will be a victory not merely for fifty thousand Negroes, but a victory for justice and the forces of light.  We are out to defeat injustice and not white persons who may be unjust.

A fourth point that characterizes nonviolent resistance is a willingness to accept suffering without retaliation, to accept blows from the opponent without striking back.   “Rivers of blood may have to flow before we gain our freedom, but it must be our blood,” Gandhi said to his countrymen.  The nonviolent resister is willing to accept violence if necessary, but never to inflict it.  He does not seek to dodge jail.  Suffering, the nonviolent resister realizes, has tremendous educational and transforming possibilities.  “Things of fundamental importance to people are not secured by reason alone, but have to be purchased with their suffering,” said Gandhi.  He continues: “Suffering is infinitely more powerful than the law of the jungle for converting the opponent and opening his ears which are otherwise shut to the voice of reason.”

A fifth point concerning nonviolent resistance is that it avoids not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. The nonviolent resister not only refuses to shoot his opponent, but he also refuses to hate him.  At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of love.  To retaliate in kind would do nothing but intensify the existence of hate in the universe.

A sixth basic fact about nonviolent resistance is that it is based on the conviction that the universe is on the side of justice. Consequently, the believer in nonviolence has deep faith in the future.  This faith is another reason why the nonviolent resister can accept suffering without retaliation.

We can either stand by and do nothing or we can make our voices heard in the Halls of Congress and, if necessary on the streets. I suggest you copy and paste points one and two into an email that you send to Congress.

For a list of email addresses go to: or You have to go through a couple of screens but ultimately you get to a contact tab. For those of you who live in the mountains you can contact our congressman at

Please don’t let your silence allow this great country to descend into tyranny.

Author: libertywebsite

A seasoned citizen of the US, who has a deep interest in political thought and respect for the principles under which the country was founded. I have written multiple articles for the local newspaper and enjoy discussions about how our country can be improved not transformed.