I would like to see this slogan be promoted by both political parties in November, 2020. It would be nice if they were arguing over how best to perfect the promises of the Founding Fathers instead of bickering over what divides us. Thirty years ago that would not have been a problem, since both parties had these principles in their platforms. Now that is less true. The American political culture until recently has remained remarkably the same since the 19th century. The American Dream according to the 1931 book Epic of America was “of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement”. The American political culture has been characterized by several familiar elements:
Liberty: Most people believe in the right to be free, as long as another’s rights aren’t abused.
Equality: This generally translates as “equality of opportunity,” not absolute equality regardless of how lucky the circumstances of one’s birth or position. The Founders set up standard principles for a free society which should be constantly looked to and labored for, thereby securing happiness and value of life to all people, everywhere.
Freedom: The freedom to make both the large and small decisions that affect one’s life, the freedom to aspire to bigger and better things and the possibility of achieving them, the freedom to accumulate wealth, and the freedom to live in accordance with one’s own values-even if they are not widely held.
Democracy: Elected officials are accountable to the people, not the reverse. Citizens have the responsibility to choose their officials thoughtfully and wisely in fair elections. Policies should be set by majority vote however minority positions should be protected.
Individualism: The individual’s rights are valued above those of the state (government); individual initiative and responsibility are strongly encouraged.
The Rule of Law: Government should exercise its power within a constrained framework based on a body of laws applied equally, publicly and fairly adjudicated. No one is above the law and everyone should have equal access to the law’s protection.
National pride: Simply stated this is love of one’s own country. America is, according to Lincoln, “the last, best hope of earth.” This belief includes that we are stronger and more virtuous than other nations but not perfect.
Capitalism: At the heart of the American Dream are beliefs in the rights to own property and compete freely in open markets with as little government involvement as possible. The culture puts special emphasis on hard work, and is rife with stories of successful businessman and leaders.
E Pluribus Unum: Out of many, one. The official motto of the US until 1956. America is a multi-racial society with citizens drawn from every corner of the world. The country has striven to unite around a single, national political culture based on natural rights, individual freedom, and a represenative form of government. We are not global citizens or a collection of identity groups but one people united in our pursuit of happiness. A “house divided against itself, cannot stand,” according to President Lincoln in 1858.
In God We Trust: America has a rich heritage of religious faith, especially in the early years of the republic. In 1956, this phrase became the official motto of the US. In 2016, only 18.2% of the US population reported not believing in God. A good question to those not believing in God: What do they believe in? The government?
Free Speech: This principle enshrined in the first amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees the freedom of an individual to articulate his/her opinion without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction by the government. The United States ranks first in the world in the Free Expression Index published by Pew Research in 2020.
I can only imagine, a campaign where these subjects are the main issues of the Presidential campaign debates.